Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: September 8

This week I was thankful for:
A morning walk
Hearing "You the best Oma ever!"
The Man of the house coming home after a very long day
A to-do list done
The start of fall cleaning
Cleaned out and organized cabinets
August goals accomplished

Feeling pretty
The male offspring cleaning up after dinner without being told
Pink sky morning
Pack and shop day

The guys getting haircuts
A shoulder rub
Three day weekend

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  1. I love this list, especially waffles and feeling pretty! Have an awesome week!

  2. kadına dair moda,güzellik,mutfak ve daha fazlası kadın platformumuz olan ve kadın haberleri marjinalkadin.com da güncel olarak yayınlanmaktadır.


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