Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Reality of Housekeeping (and a challenge)

I have a confession to make.  I hope you won't judge me too much.  And maybe you'll even be able to relate.  Anyway, here goes:

 I am a terrible housekeeper.

It's true.  Just ask my poor husband.  I am not great about keeping things super tidy around the house.  We're no where near being featured in an episode of Hoarders or anything of that sort.  It's not that bad.  (Which is often how I justify and excuse my laziness)  It's just more that I seem to have a special talent for ignoring the clutter and dust bunnies until it gets to a critical peak where I just can't take it any more.  Then I go on a mad frenzy of cleaning and organizing.

To help improve (and hopefully correct) this reality, I have created a challenge for myself during the month of October. And I am hoping some of you will join me!

During October I am challenging myself - and you! - to do 15 to 30 minutes of cleaning.
Every.  Single.  Day.

That's it.  No cleaning schedule or assigned tasks.  Just clean SOMETHING in your home each day.  There is only one "rule":  your 15 to 30 minutes has to be something other than washing dishes or laundry.  Those need done regardless.  And in my case, if anything is getting done its typically going to be one of these two things.  So, I have to pick something I would normally be more likely to avoid.

Each week I will be posting a list of suggested chores to get done based on what I am going to try to accomplish that week.  You are welcome to follow the list, or just follow your heart based on the needs in your own home.  This post will also be a chance to comment and let us know how you are doing and what you accomplished over the past week.   Yep  - Accountability!

I'm also including two bonus challenges for those of us who are really feeling up to it.

Bonus Challenge #1:  Complete at least one load of laundry per day.  By "complete" I mean washing, folding and putting away.  Because if you are anything like me, that basket of clean cloth clothes may sit around for days before something finally gets done with it.

Bonus Challenge #2:  Get the family involved!  Ask them to help tidy up for 10 minutes.  Set a timer and see how much y'all can get done.  You might be surprised what a difference just ten minutes can make!

So, what do you say?  Are you in?
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  1. I'm in! I always say I'm one stack of books away from that show Hoarders :). I saw that on a meme a while ago and loved it. I'm in the process of cleaning out my office so I put all of its contents in the dining room. This was supposed to be temporary but it has been there for a month now. I'm going to commit to 20 minutes a day of decluttering in there. Thanks for the challenge, Beckey!

    1. LOL! Glad to have you joining us Candace!
      My office is the catch all space for the studded looking for a place to live in my house. And shows the damage for it! Hopefully this challenge will help us both get those rooms cleaned up and organized.

  2. Ten minutes will make a difference! I too, have a confession to make... I love housekeeping :) and will be cheering you on! I found you from Coffee and Conversation. Have a productive week!

  3. So love your honesty....and I'm right there with you. My excuse is my husband......enough said, I guess! :( Anyway....I'm ready for the challenge. I've found using the timer REALLY helps me....well, when I use it, that is!!! ;-) Looking forward to your suggestions!

    1. I'm so excited to have you joining the challenge Mrs Deb! The timer is a huge help to keep on track. But like you, I don't use it as regularly as I should

  4. I'm in. I have been setting a timer .

    1. Awesome! Thanks for joining up with us Deborah!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. All the best in your housekeeping challenge. Sounds like a worthy cause. I work for people every once in awhile doing house-cleaning, and have come to the conclusion that a lot of people just have too much stuff! A lot of times things accumulate over the years (one lady had spices still with due dates from the 60s and 70s). Whenever I work for someone it seems I come home with the resolution to clean out my own closet. :)

  7. Hi sweet Beckey! What a fabulous challenge for housekeeping :) I truly hope it goes well, my friend.

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - I hope you're able to join us again this week. Hugs!


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