Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hello December!

And that brings us to December.  The last month of 2015 is upon us!  Can you believe it?  Because I certainly can not!


I am so excited for this month!  I'm looking forward to putting up the Christmas tree.  Enjoying all the excitement and anticipation through the eyes of he grand baby.  Spending time with my sisters.  Visiting with my nieces and nephews.  School break.  The Man of he House having an entire week off from work.

Good times!

I am looking to finish this year strong.  I've met several of the goals I set for myself for 2015, and there's still time to work out a few more before year's end.

While December can be a time for reflection on the year past; it is also a good time to start looking forward.  I am already thinking ahead and making plans for my Etsy shop and for the blog in 2016.

This time of year do you find yourself evaluating the year almost completed and planning ahead for the one soon to arrive?

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