Friday, March 11, 2016

My Favorite Finds Friday

It's Friday, y'all!  This week has been a total blur, and I think I may have lost a few days in the middle there.  I'm not even entirely sure how that happened,; because I really wasn't all that busy.  But no matter... with the exception of some grocery shopping tomorrow, my big plans for the weekend consist of sitting for too long, watching too much Netflix, lots of crochet, and painting my toe nails a bright Spring-ish color.

But first... Here are a few of my favorite discoveries from the past week:

Fashionable Romance at Biltmore

This new exhibition at the Biltmore Estate appeals to me on so many levels by combining history, romance, costume design, and Biltmore.  Featuring wedding dresses and attire from popular films throughout the house as well as a special display with a recreation of Cornelia Vanderbilt Cecil's wedding gown and the actual wedding veil worn by Jackie Kennedy and her cousin Mary Lee Ryan (Who married the grandson of George Vanderbilt).  The exhibition runs through July 4.

Photo credit:
Speaking of historical fashions: When I saw this exquisite Edwardian Era "bumblebee gown" on Pinterest, I became a teeny tiny bit obsessed.  Edwardian fashion AND bumblebees?  Yes, Please!!

And while we're sorta, kinda on the subject...  if you're wondering what to do with yourself now that Downton Abbey is over, I recommend the above series from the Smithsonian Channel to scratch your Anglophile itch.  I didn't exactly discover it this week, but it seems to fit pretty well with the theme I've got going here. It showcases some of the real life American heiresses married to land-rich,money-poor English aristocracy in the late 1800's  and early 1800's.  Aka - the inspiration for Downton's Lady Grantham.  I have been watching full episodes on the Smithsonian Channel website and quite enjoying it!

And while you're at it... You might as well read the book behind the show (because: the book is always better, right?)

To Marry An English Lord

And there you have it.  If you enjoy history, costume design, romance, Downton Abbey, Anglomania, uber-wealthy Americans, or reading - I've got you covered!  You're welcome.

Have a wonderful weekend.
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  1. Ooohh nice! I am thinking about watching the Brit series North & South to cure my angloblahblah. Happy weekend! xo Amanda

  2. I love the American Princess show. I haven't been to Biltmore since I was a fun...have a beautiful day.


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