Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March-ing Along

Welcome to March, everyone!  I know those of you who dislike the winter are celebrating today and anticipating Spring.  However, as much as I am looking forward to the blooming of daffodils and forsythia, and the milder days ahead; I do so cautiously.  The biggest blizzard in memory was 23 years ago this month.  I know not to trust Spring in these mountains and to hang onto the winter wardrobe until May rolls in.

This morning I was scrolling through pages of Google images, just looking for a March picture...  when I came across THIS:

Now, I have been trying to schedule some time into my week to sit down and brainstorm ideas for blog posts.  If you write, you know what a chore that can be!  And while I have come up with a few (very few) fresh ideas,  I was lacking.  

As I read through the above list of prompts, many of them lit a little creative spark with me.  A few made me cringe or groan a little, but I can just skip those.  

Sadly, it appears the original source of this particular challenge closed up shop sometime between 2013 when it was written and now.  But, Tiffany - where ever you are now - THANKS for the inspiration!

And as for the rest of you - keep watching for my responses to the prompts.  Or even better - follow along on your own blog!!

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  1. These challenges are great for those "rut" times! Have a great March, friend! xo Amanda

  2. Hi Beckey! Thanks for your nice comment at my site. I just checked out this one post of yours and loved the ideas. Thanks for sharing. I post so little nowadays but want to do more. This will help. I'm going to go peruse your site more. Thanks again and have a great weekend.

  3. Somehow I missed this post....such neat ideas. Looking forward to seeing what you post.


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