Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Spirit of Gratitude: October 20

I can't believe I have gotten this deep into October without writing a single gratitude journal post!  Yikes!  I could blame it on the month being very busy, in a good way - which is one more thing to be grateful for!

I Am Thankful For:
The Man of the House's birthday
Soup in the crockpot
Going to a Styx concert with my sweetie

Beautiful Autumn weather
Listening to the male offspring play guitar

The silliness of the grand baby
Late night crocheting

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  1. You have many things to be thankful for this October day. What blessings. All of them sound great, but I must admit I've never heard of Styx. Getting to go to a concert with your sweetie is the best part of your blessing.

  2. A couple and their daughter we know went to that same Styx concert....WOW...small world! Thanks so much for linking up today....and yes, I agree with your comment on the New England autumn pictures....we have awesome scenery in our neck of the woods, too. ;-) HOPE you have a great weekend.


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