Sunday, October 2, 2016

When It All Just Feels Like Too Much

So much sadness and badness seems to be showing itself in our world right now.  On top of all the general violence, anger, and hatred pouring out - individuals deal with sickness, hurt feelings, heartaches, pain, and more.  It all can seem so overwhelming.

As I pondered it all this morning, an old saying came to mind.  It's one I've heard over and over in my life.  One I've even said in the past.

The thing is this - at this point in my life and my relatonship with God, I no longer believe that to be true.  

I believe God gives us more than we can handle all the time.  Things that are too big for us.  To hard for us.  Too painful.  Too difficult. Things we can't deal with on our own. 

He allows these "too much" times in our life to remind us of our dependence on Him.  To remind us of His strength.  His wisdom.  His power.  To teach us to turn to Him.  To lean on Him.  To trust Him.

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  1. So true! I have always thought that about that quote! There have been times in my life when I just had to turn my problems and trials over to the Savior, He really does test us! Thank you for the gentle reminder.

  2. Oh, my, I totally agree with you. Lots of things I've gone through have been way too much for me on my own, but with Him....all things are possible!!! Thanks so much for this great reminder!


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