A reminder to myself as I celebrate yet another birthday this week!
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
A Spirit of Gratitude: October 26, 2017
It's already time for the last Spirit of Gratitude post of October. This month was a blur of goodness! Next we head into November - the traditional month of thanksgiving here in the US. While I consider any reason for expressing gratitude a good thing, let's remember not to contain our thankfulness to one day or one month. It should be a regular, natural response to all the blessings around us every day.
I Am Thankful For:
Days spent with the Man of the House
A slide just for grown-ups
Listening to the Male Offspring play his guitar
The grand baby's laughter
Meeting new people
Watching the Man of the House and the Female Offspring take the Paqui One Chip Challenge
Waking up early
The first frosty mornings
What are you thankful for this week?

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
You Think You Know
Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that God loves you?
No... hold on. Just pause and think about that one for a minute or two.
Sure, you know God loves you. Most of us grew up singing about it. You remember - "Jesus loves me, this I know".
But do you Believe it? There is a difference.
The word geek in me just had to look up the definitions of both words
No... hold on. Just pause and think about that one for a minute or two.
Sure, you know God loves you. Most of us grew up singing about it. You remember - "Jesus loves me, this I know".
But do you Believe it? There is a difference.
The word geek in me just had to look up the definitions of both words
Know nō/ verb
be aware of through observation, inquiry, or information
Believe bəˈlēv/ verb
accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of
are aware of God's love. You have the information. It's not enough to just know you are loved. You must believe it. But if you're like me, maybe sometimes (most times? all the time?) you struggle to accept it and feel sure of it as truth.
Why? Why is it so hard to truly believe something you know? Maybe you aren't aware of your own worth, so you doubt that you deserve His love. Maybe you think you've fallen so far, made so many mistakes that He couldn't possible still love you. Maybe you have a basic understanding, but you don't have enough information to help you believe.
Sweet friend, I am here to tell you ... He does. He loves you. He loves me. We are each unique and cherished masterpieces. Nothing can ever separate us from that love.
So, how do we strengthen our belief? I have 3 suggestions to help strengthen your faith in God's unconditional, unfailing love for us:
1) Remind Yourself:
Every day, get into His Word. Read it. Learn it. Memorize it. And keep reminding yourself of His promises. Write Bible verses about His love in a little notebook, on note cards or sticky notes. Whenever you find yourself doubting it - pull them out and read them! Here are a few to get you started -
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16
"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." - Isaiah 43:1
" I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer" - Psalm 94:18-19
"I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me." - Proverbs 8:17
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8: 38-39
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." - Ephesians 2:10
2) Ask For It
Ask Jesus in prayer to help you in your unbelief! Ask Him to show his love to you and to open your eyes so you will be able to recognize it. Now, it's important to realize that you're not asking God to make you rich, or famous or whatever in order to prove He loves you. You are asking for signs of His love. And those signs often come in quiet, simple ways. Which brings me to...
3) Practice Gratitude:
Get yourself a journal or notebook, or just a piece of paper. Every single day write down a few things you are grateful for right then. When you are focused on recognizing all the blessings God has heaped into your life it quickly becomes easier to believe that He must truly love you!
"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13
So... now. I'll ask you again. Do you believe God loves you? If not, which of these steps can you take today to move you closer to that belief? For me - it's all three!!
Sweet friend, I am here to tell you ... He does. He loves you. He loves me. We are each unique and cherished masterpieces. Nothing can ever separate us from that love.
So, how do we strengthen our belief? I have 3 suggestions to help strengthen your faith in God's unconditional, unfailing love for us:
1) Remind Yourself:
Every day, get into His Word. Read it. Learn it. Memorize it. And keep reminding yourself of His promises. Write Bible verses about His love in a little notebook, on note cards or sticky notes. Whenever you find yourself doubting it - pull them out and read them! Here are a few to get you started -
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16
"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine." - Isaiah 43:1
" I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer" - Psalm 94:18-19
"I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me." - Proverbs 8:17
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8: 38-39
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." - Ephesians 2:10
2) Ask For It
Ask Jesus in prayer to help you in your unbelief! Ask Him to show his love to you and to open your eyes so you will be able to recognize it. Now, it's important to realize that you're not asking God to make you rich, or famous or whatever in order to prove He loves you. You are asking for signs of His love. And those signs often come in quiet, simple ways. Which brings me to...
3) Practice Gratitude:
Get yourself a journal or notebook, or just a piece of paper. Every single day write down a few things you are grateful for right then. When you are focused on recognizing all the blessings God has heaped into your life it quickly becomes easier to believe that He must truly love you!
"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13
So... now. I'll ask you again. Do you believe God loves you? If not, which of these steps can you take today to move you closer to that belief? For me - it's all three!!
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
A Spirit of Gratitude: October 19, 2017
I have a nice long list of blessings today. Partly because I never got around to posting a list for last week. Mostly because there's just been a lot of things to be thankful for recently!
I Am Thankful For:
The grand kid had a good week at school
Fixing the Male Offspring's guitar cost less than expected
A hike up Max Patch
The Man of the House's birthday
Falling asleep to the sound of pouring rain
The Male Offspring had an interview
Starting a new book
The Female Offspring got a new job
Going to bed early
Words of wisdom
Hiking at Bent Creek
A new fridge
Cinnamon gummy bears
Cooler weather
Maple Pecan latte
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
This and That and a Few Other Things
Ever feel like you have a LOT to say, then when the time comes to actually say it... crickets... ?
No? Just me? C'mon now. I know I can't be the only one. Well, whether I'm one in a million - or not - that's me recently. I always think I have so very much to write about until I sit down at the computer with a blank post screen in front of me.
We've been doing a hike pretty much every Saturday this month. And I'm loving it!
Weekend before last we went up to Max Patch. The Male Offspring even went with us! If you've never been, let me just warn you - it is quite a climb up to the top! And this ol' asthmatic gal was huffing and puffing most of the way. Be prepared. I can assure you, however - that it is WELL worth the work! It is amazingly beautiful! They said we would have 360 degree views of the surrounding mountains. We were not disappointed! Words simply do not do it justice.
Afterward, because it was the Man of the House's birthday weekend - we went to listen to some live music, eat dinner and relax for a while at Sierra Nevada Brewing. (hint: try the Hop and Sour!)Followed by dessert at Baked Pie Company.
This past weekend the Man of the House and I stayed a little closer to home. We started at the Hard Times Loop Trail head, walked down the NC Arboretum property, down Bent Creek Trail and back. That's a nice easy hike if you're looking for one in the area.
In other news...
We got a new fridge. The old one was about 24 years old. I know!! Can you believe it? But it just kept chugging along. Recently it started freezing a lot of items in the fridge area, so when we saw a good deal on one in the Lowe's clearance area we snapped it up.
I made a cute little no-sew valance for my dining room using Pioneer Woman napkins I picked up at the Walmart.
And my mantel is finally FALLified (sure, that's a word)
I think that's about all I have to say for now. Although I'll probably think of about a dozen more things once I shut down the computer.
How's life been treating you so far this month?
No? Just me? C'mon now. I know I can't be the only one. Well, whether I'm one in a million - or not - that's me recently. I always think I have so very much to write about until I sit down at the computer with a blank post screen in front of me.
We've been doing a hike pretty much every Saturday this month. And I'm loving it!
Weekend before last we went up to Max Patch. The Male Offspring even went with us! If you've never been, let me just warn you - it is quite a climb up to the top! And this ol' asthmatic gal was huffing and puffing most of the way. Be prepared. I can assure you, however - that it is WELL worth the work! It is amazingly beautiful! They said we would have 360 degree views of the surrounding mountains. We were not disappointed! Words simply do not do it justice.
Afterward, because it was the Man of the House's birthday weekend - we went to listen to some live music, eat dinner and relax for a while at Sierra Nevada Brewing. (hint: try the Hop and Sour!)Followed by dessert at Baked Pie Company.
This past weekend the Man of the House and I stayed a little closer to home. We started at the Hard Times Loop Trail head, walked down the NC Arboretum property, down Bent Creek Trail and back. That's a nice easy hike if you're looking for one in the area.
In other news...
We got a new fridge. The old one was about 24 years old. I know!! Can you believe it? But it just kept chugging along. Recently it started freezing a lot of items in the fridge area, so when we saw a good deal on one in the Lowe's clearance area we snapped it up.
I made a cute little no-sew valance for my dining room using Pioneer Woman napkins I picked up at the Walmart.
And my mantel is finally FALLified (sure, that's a word)
I think that's about all I have to say for now. Although I'll probably think of about a dozen more things once I shut down the computer.
How's life been treating you so far this month?
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Thursday, October 5, 2017
A Spirit of Gratitude: October 4
I Am Thankful For:
Discovering a deer staring at me from across the yard
A spiderweb glistening in the sun
Apple pie baked by the female offspring
Finding a new doctor I like
Hiking with the Man of the House
A new Fitbit
The family getting together for Sunday football
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Currently... October 2017
October and November are my two favorite months of the year. Maybe because fall is my favorite season and these are its peak months. Maybe because during these two months the Man of the House and I both have birthdays and we celebrate out anniversary. Maybe because of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Or because it's the calm before the holiday whirlwind begins. It's probably a combination of ALL those things!
Reading: My reading slowed down a little in September. I finished Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris, which I didn't start out liking very much - but ended up enjoying much more than expected. Since then I have been reading The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire by Jack Weatherford. Despite being a little dry and slow going in some parts, it has been quite interesting to see the important role of women in the leadership of the Mongol empire (a historical period I admittedly don't know much about). Unfortunately, the book had to be returned and had another hold waiting which prevented me from renewing it, so I am having to wait to complete it. Until then I am reading The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena. I had plans to read The Boleyn King by Laura Anderson last month, but my hold didn't become available until today. So, that's next up on the October TBR list.
I am also still working my way through She's Still There by Chrystal Evans Hurst with the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study. Oh my goodness gracious. Just... So, SO good!!
Eating: *sigh*... Here we go again. Honestly, I haven't been eating a ton of bad stuff. But I haven't exactly been healthy either. The Man of the House and I are planning to work on that this month. So, hopefully I'll have something that's not completely embarrassing to report at the beginning of November.
Working On: You think I'm going to say "washcloths", dont' you? I don't blame you. That has been the answer for months and months. But I am happy to say that NO, I am not currently working on washcloths. I finally completed my big wholesale order and have moved on. Right now the popular item seems to be tiger hats.
Enjoying: Some pleasant fall temperatures. Finally!! I was so over all those 80+ degree days. I'm ready for some boot and sweater weather. I'm such a fall girl. Seriously.
Anticipating: Celebrating the Man of the House's birthday this weekend. And hopefully some more autumn hikes. I'd like to take the grand kid to an apple orchard for some fall fun also.
Feeling: hmmm... that's quite a good question. I haven't really given it much real thought recently. Which I suppose is a good thing. If I cant' complain, I must be doing pretty well. So, there ya go!
The week has just begun and October is already looking like a wonderful month for me! How is your October currently looking?
Reading: My reading slowed down a little in September. I finished Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris, which I didn't start out liking very much - but ended up enjoying much more than expected. Since then I have been reading The Secret History of the Mongol Queens: How the Daughters of Genghis Khan Rescued His Empire by Jack Weatherford. Despite being a little dry and slow going in some parts, it has been quite interesting to see the important role of women in the leadership of the Mongol empire (a historical period I admittedly don't know much about). Unfortunately, the book had to be returned and had another hold waiting which prevented me from renewing it, so I am having to wait to complete it. Until then I am reading The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena. I had plans to read The Boleyn King by Laura Anderson last month, but my hold didn't become available until today. So, that's next up on the October TBR list.
I am also still working my way through She's Still There by Chrystal Evans Hurst with the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study. Oh my goodness gracious. Just... So, SO good!!
Eating: *sigh*... Here we go again. Honestly, I haven't been eating a ton of bad stuff. But I haven't exactly been healthy either. The Man of the House and I are planning to work on that this month. So, hopefully I'll have something that's not completely embarrassing to report at the beginning of November.
Working On: You think I'm going to say "washcloths", dont' you? I don't blame you. That has been the answer for months and months. But I am happy to say that NO, I am not currently working on washcloths. I finally completed my big wholesale order and have moved on. Right now the popular item seems to be tiger hats.
Enjoying: Some pleasant fall temperatures. Finally!! I was so over all those 80+ degree days. I'm ready for some boot and sweater weather. I'm such a fall girl. Seriously.
Anticipating: Celebrating the Man of the House's birthday this weekend. And hopefully some more autumn hikes. I'd like to take the grand kid to an apple orchard for some fall fun also.
Feeling: hmmm... that's quite a good question. I haven't really given it much real thought recently. Which I suppose is a good thing. If I cant' complain, I must be doing pretty well. So, there ya go!
The week has just begun and October is already looking like a wonderful month for me! How is your October currently looking?
Monday, October 2, 2017
When You Need A Breath of Fresh Air
The Man of the House and I are trying... trying... to get back on track with healthier habits. He's always much better about it than I am. Honestly, if it weren't for his encouragement I would quite possibly be a giant couch potato who existed on Cheetos and ice cream.
Part of those healthier habits is moving more. An area where I seriously lack motivation and discipline. So, last week when he asked if I wanted to go for a hike on Saturday, I knew I should say yes. The weather was supposed to be cooler and sunny and I could use a little fresh air and sunshine - so, I jumped at the chance. Plus... who wouldn't want to be alone in the woods with this handsome guy?
We headed north on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Craven Gap Trail. The website where I was looking at local hiking trails listed this as an "Easy" hike. Um... I disagree. I personally believe it should be rated as closer to moderate. But, no one asked me.
There isn't much fall color change going on around here yet. But there were some pretty late summer wildflowers around.
There's a little cave alongside the trail. Did I explore closer? No, I did not! Who knows what might be living in there? (probably nothing being so close to the trail)
We found a nice rock-face where we sat to eat our picnic lunch. And found a patch of prickly pear cactus. Who knew that was growing wild in the mountains of western North Carolina? Not me!
And we had a nice view while we enjoyed our food. Bonus!!
On the way home we stopped off at the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitors Center because neither one of us has ever been there. We also made another stop at Highland Brewing Company where we relaxed with a cold beverage for a bit.
A nice way to spend a sunny Autumn Saturday afternoon!
Part of those healthier habits is moving more. An area where I seriously lack motivation and discipline. So, last week when he asked if I wanted to go for a hike on Saturday, I knew I should say yes. The weather was supposed to be cooler and sunny and I could use a little fresh air and sunshine - so, I jumped at the chance. Plus... who wouldn't want to be alone in the woods with this handsome guy?
We headed north on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Craven Gap Trail. The website where I was looking at local hiking trails listed this as an "Easy" hike. Um... I disagree. I personally believe it should be rated as closer to moderate. But, no one asked me.
There isn't much fall color change going on around here yet. But there were some pretty late summer wildflowers around.
There's a little cave alongside the trail. Did I explore closer? No, I did not! Who knows what might be living in there? (probably nothing being so close to the trail)
We found a nice rock-face where we sat to eat our picnic lunch. And found a patch of prickly pear cactus. Who knew that was growing wild in the mountains of western North Carolina? Not me!
And we had a nice view while we enjoyed our food. Bonus!!
On the way home we stopped off at the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitors Center because neither one of us has ever been there. We also made another stop at Highland Brewing Company where we relaxed with a cold beverage for a bit.
A nice way to spend a sunny Autumn Saturday afternoon!
Sunday, October 1, 2017
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