Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I Don't Know What to Read

I can't decide what to read next.

I'm finny in that I don't like not having my next read ready and waiting for me as soon as I finish the book I am currently reading.  It's an actual uncomfortable feeling for me.

It is true that I have what could conservatively be called a long to-be-read list.   I'll probably have to live to be over 200 years old in order to read everything on that list.  And I'm constantly adding books to the list much faster than I am reading and marking them off the list.  Most of those are novels, memoirs, or non-fiction books for pleasure reading.

It's my personal/spiritual growth reading that is currently challenging me.  The two faith-based books I would like to read right now are both wait-listed.  Not just "will be available in a week or two", but a "there are 20 people ahead of you" wait list.

I've added myself to the lists, but I can't seem to decide on what else to select for reading during the in between time.

Any suggestions?

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