Tuesday, June 12, 2018


No one in life can every quite figure out how to push every single one of  your buttons like your sister.

She can make you laugh until you pee yourself; or cry until you feel completely dried out.  She can encourage you and lift your spirits; or completely tear you down.  She can be your biggest cheerleader or your greatest rival.  She can be your best friend; or your mortal enemy.  Sometimes she can be all this at once.

Growing up - my sisters and I could be practically ripping each other's hair out one minute. The next minute we might be joining forces to create a united front.  (Often in an attempt to avoid getting in trouble for whatever had gone down during our recent spat.)  Once my middle sister and I got into a fight (If you think girls don't get physical when they fight - you never knew my sisters when we were teens!) In the course of the fight, she broke my glasses.  The fight came to a screeching halt,   At that point, we quickly became allies - working together in attempt to fix the glasses before our parents found out what had occurred.  We failed, by the way.  

There are times I am sad that my daughter will never know what it's like to have a sister.  There are other times when I think my daughter is incredibly lucky that she will never know what it's like to have a sister.  

Me (on the right) and my sisters - about 10 years ago

If there's one thing that is predictable about the relationship between sisters., it is that it can be entirely unpredictable.

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