Monday, December 3, 2018

Currently... December 2018

Holy jingle bells, Batman - It's December!  That time of year when the whole world feels as if it's wrapped up in Ho-Ho-Ho's and shopping and decorating and eating much and being merry and being busy.  I pray that during the hustle and bustle of the season each and every one of you takes time to pause and soak in the joy of this season while remembering the true meaning behind Christmas.

Reading:  I finally arrived back at the top of the wait list so that I can complete Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleves.  Next up in the queue is The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender.

Working On:  Trying to get my home, my business, and myself ready for Christmas.  One thing keeps distracting me from the next and somehow none of it seems to be getting done!

Enjoying:  The season.  I love Christmas time.  The giving.  The shopping.  The foods.  The music.  The lights.  The "ugly" sweaters.  Joy to the World.  Peace on earth.  Good will toward men.

Anticipating:  The new year.  I love that feeling of new beginnings.  All the hope and promise of the new year.  The goals to be made and dreams to be chased.  It's the same kind of feeling I get in the spring as the weather starts to turn warmer and things begin to bloom.  And again when it's back to school season.

Wanting:  This to be the best Christmas ever!  But, I pretty much want that every single year.  So... nothing new there!

Needing:  To find some good spiritual, devotional, and/or personal enrichment books to study in the coming year.  I'm especially interested in ones that focus on joy and happiness.  Any suggestion?

Feeling:  Obviously, I'm pretty excited about the holidays.  I'm also feeling a little bittersweet.  As much as I love the Christmas season, I'm also a little sad to face another Christmas without my sisters around. And the Man of the House told me that for the first time ever his company is not inviting spouses and families to their Christmas luncheon, which is disappointing.  Especially since it's the only Christmas party sort of thing I attend in the years since I stopped working outside the home.  So, that's a bummer.  But I don't want to let any negative feelings overcome all the good and beautiful feelings of Christmas!

What are you up to this December?

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