Monday, September 23, 2019

New Week, New Goals

The past two weeks have been c-ra-zy!  While I have managed to accomplish many of the goals I have set for myself; I have also dealt with several last minute changes to my planned schedule.  Low key, sort-of-but-not-really emergency type things. Nothing major.  Just the kind of things that can throw you off kilter a little bit.  Especially when you're in the middle of planning a bridal shower.  But, it's all good...

Interruptions are going to happened sometimes.  It's just a fact of life.  The big thing is how you react and respond to them.  You can let it completely mess you up and divert you from meeting your goals.  Or, you can go with the flow and just do the best you can with the circumstances where you find yourself.  It certainly makes like less stressful.  Even when it is full of stressful situations. 

Honestly, my knee jerk reaction is often to become overwhelmed when things don't go the way I expected.  I think hope that I am slowly learning to better manage when changes come along.  

Hopefully, things will calm down for a little while, (at least until we get a little closer to the big wedding date next month)  and I can stay on schedule and meet all my goals with no problem.

My goals for this week include:

  1. Ship at least one order
  2. Complete order for Winnie the Pooh hat
  3. Prep my gratitude posts for October
  4.  Drink 80 oz of water everyday
  5. Go to bed by 9:30 PM
  6. And get up at 6:00 AM

Did you meet your goals last week?  What's on your To Do list this week?  

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