Friday, November 1, 2019

Currently... November 2019

Today, I have officially been walking the planet for an entire half of a century.  Fifty.  That number has me feeling a little shell-shocked.  I'm not all freaked out about getting older (like I did when I turned thirty).  I'm just finding it hard to believe that meany years have come and gone.  It certainly doesn't feel as if it has been that long. So much of that time has been amazing.  Some of it was pretty good.  And a tiny little bit has been down right rotten.  But every single moment has brought me to where I am today.  And I like this season of life - a LOT!

Reading:  The Testaments by Margaret Atwood and Everybody, Always by Bob Goff.  Just started the first one, so no opinion on that.  Enjoying Everybody, Always immensely!  On the "To Be Read" list for this month are The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff and Tidelands by Philippa Gregory.

Celebrating:  My birthday is just the first of our celebrations in November!  The Man of the House and I will celebrate our 27th anniversary on the 21st.  And of course there's Thanksgiving at the end of the month.

Working On:  Purging some of my clothing.  It is a wonderful feeling to have pants that no longer fit because they are too big - instead of too small!  Even my fitted yoga pants are now more of a loose fit.

Wanting:  To continue losing weight throughout the holiday season; or at the very least, maintain the weight loss that I have achieved so far

Needing:  Some cute, comfy, inexpensive leggings.  Rather than having to buy new clothes every couple of months as I lose weight, I have a few dresses and tunics that I can wear with leggings and sweaters to get me through the winter.  I figure it's much less expensive to replace leggings than jeans, etc.

Making:  Big plans for my Etsy shop next year

Feeling:  Pretty darn good!  I'm so happy to finally feel as if I have control over my weight.  I'm now closer to my goal weight than my start weight.  I'm seeing and feeling physical changes.

Enjoying:  Wearing all my somewhat-too-big-jeans before they get so big that I can't wear them anymore.  I haven't tried on my favorite jeans, which were too small before - but that's happening soon!  (fingers crossed)

Anticipating:  The Man of the House and I have planned a trip up to Cleveland.  We're going to the Football Hall of Fame, a Browns football game and the Rock n Roll Hall of fame.  And maybe a few other things that catch our fancy along the drive.

That's what November looks like for me.  What are you up to this month?


  1. Happy Birthday! I agree with you about this time of life, I love it too. I'm closer to 60 now but I wouldn't trade this for anything! And congratulations on the weight loss! That's a great accomplishment.


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