Thursday, November 14, 2019

Joyful Gratitude: November 14

I Am Thankful For:

Finding cute sheets on clearance
Sugar free peppermint mocha creamer
Getting back on track
Spaghetti squash
Filling the bird feeders
Cat playing with his new toy
Kisses in the airport drop-off zone
Deep conditioned hair
Sunshiny cold mornings
Happy curls
The Man of the House finally getting on a flight home
Soup for dinner on a chilly night
That first sip of morning coffee
Nail-biter endings to a football game
Homemade salsa

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I were just talking about spaghetti squash! We want to try it one of these days. And nail-biting football games, yes!! We were that way during the Seahawks last game. We beat the 49ers but I was worn out by the time it finally ended!


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