Monday, February 3, 2020

Currently... February 2020

The month of love has arrived!  The stores are bursting with hearts, flowers, candies and all the rest of the Valentine's Day trimmings.  Love is definitely in the air.   I hope you feel it.  Whether you have a significant other or not.  From your family, your friends, yourself.  And always from God.  

If you're looking for some inspiration this Valentine's Day, be sure to check out Romancing Him: The 14 Day Marriage Challenge or A Date A Month  - two of my favorite ideas I have come up with in recent years for my valentine (aka: The Man of the House). 

Working On: 
Creating weekly and daily schedules that work for my life.  Also have some ideas for upcoming blog posts that I am pretty excited about!

Finishing "The Starless Sea" by Erin Morgenstern and getting ready to start "Tidelands" by Philippa Gregory.  I am mid-read on both 168 Hours and The Fringe Hours.  Unfortunately both were due before I completed them and since there were holds I could not renew.  Now I have them on hold so I can (hopefully) complete them soon. Until then, I am reading "Hallelujah Anyway" by Anne Lamott.

Loving:  Still loving my sweet little dachshund puppy, Max.  I have to admit it - he's a spoiled brat at this point.  It's all mostly my fault, and I have enjoyed every minute of it.   But c'mon... look at that face!

Celebrating: Valentine's day is the only thing I can think of that's coming up this month.  Birthdays,  anniversaries,  etc seem to come in clusters for our family.  Next month will be a busier one.  Oh, wait... I almost forgot - one of my brother in laws' has a birthday this month.  Oops!

Sleep!  Having a new puppy who likes to stay up past my bed time playing, and gets up early wanting to go outside has put a hurt on my previous sleep schedule.  I am not getting as much rest as I need.  There are many afternoons when I sit down to write or read or work on my Etsy shop and instead I end up taking a nap with Max.

Dreaming About:  Going back to Disney in 2021.  Can't wait!!

February Goals:
  1.  Lose 5 pounds
  2.  Drink 75 ounces of water per day (I have been very slack about my water lately)
  3.  Etsy shop sales increase 20% over January
  4.  List at least 5 new items in Etsy shop
  5.  Prepare graphics for March Thankful blog posts
  6.  Schedule Sunday Inspiration blog posts for March

What do you have planned for February?

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