Tuesday, February 25, 2020

No Wonder It's Called "Fat Tuesday"

Happy Mardi Gras!  (aka - Fat Tuesday)  That traditional day of indulgences and excess before Lent begins.

It's also Pancake Day.

And Paczki Day.  (Those are essentially jelly filled Polish doughnuts,  if you didn't know)

And Taco Tuesday.

This all leaves me feeling a little confused.

I can't decide if I should make gumbo or red beans and rice,  pancakes, or tacos for dinner!  Is there such a thing as a gumbo pancake taco?  (Ew)

King cake or paczki for dessert?

I suppose it depends largely on your own heritage and traditions.   But, when your DNA is a big melting pot, you can just pick and choose from your favorites!

As for me...

We'll be having tacos tonight.   Because Taco Tuesdays is kind of a tradition in our house and tacos are one of my favorite foods.

I'm saving the gumbo for Sunday dinner.  I love having a big ol' pot of something simmering on a Sunday afternoon!  It makes everything feel all cozy and homey.

The pancakes and paczki will have to wait for another time, since I overindulged last weekend and am trying to get back on track with my weight watchers!

What are your favorite Mardi Gras,  Pancake Day,  Taco Tuesday, etc inspired dishes?

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