Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Currently... April 2020

Oh.  My.  Goodness.

Was March one wild ride or WHAT?  And April is looking to be more of the same.

How's everyone coping?  Me?  Well, I swing wildly between feeling like I've got an handle on things and being on the edge of a nervous breakdown.  I think the self-quarantine is starting to get to me.  Yesterday, while walking the puppy around the yard - I realized I was singing "You're the One That I Want" from Grease.  Out loud and not in my quiet voice.  So...  there ya go.

Reading:  The Lying Game by Ruth Ware and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.  One of the saddest moments for me was when the local libraries closed because of coronavirus.  Thank goodness for the digital library.

Working On:  Lots of ready-made items for the Etsy shop

Loving:  Spending so much time with my grandson!  With school closed and his parents working in what are considered essential businesses, it's been me and him (him and me?  he and I?) together most days.  Working on his virtual learning assignments, watching nature documentaries on Disney+, walking the dog and reading.

Celebrating:  The obvious answer is Easter.  This month also brings my "baby" sister's birthday.

Wanting/Needing:  A vacation would be nice.  A few Etsy sales (my shop has taken a hard hit from all this Covid-19 business).  But mostly - an end to this pandemic!

Dreaming About:  A trip to Hobby Lobby, Target and Starbucks.  My dreams are pretty simple at this point in the game.

April Goals:  You know, I haven't even set any goals for the coming month.  I know I should. But everything is so up in the air and out of the norm right now that I'm just trying to take things as they come each day.

What are you up to for April?


  1. At first I thought we'd close down for a couple of weeks and then everything would get back to normal. The last few days I've been experiencing those mood swings too! For the most part though I'm at peace and actually enjoying the slow down. I can't believe how much I miss shopping! Not that I go very often but I'm sitting at home wishing I could wander through my favorite antique store or wanting to go to Hobby Lobby. It sure is different to finally have the time to go and do things... and not be able to! I don't have any plans for April. Like you, I'm taking just one day at a time.

    1. I understand! My sister was just saying yesterday that she just wants to go get a Starbucks and walk around Hobby Lobby. And I keep saying that once this is over, I will never complain about having to go grocery shopping again!


Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the blogdom! I love hearing what you have to say; so please take a moment to share your thoughts. Have a blessed day!