Monday, April 6, 2020

Finding the Focus

Emotionally, last week was kind of a tough one.  I was all over the place.  One day I felt as if I was living my best quarantine life - working on stuff for my Etsy shop, binging some Netflix and Hulu shows, reading, and taking as many precautions as possible to prevent any virus germies from entering the house.  Another day has me in tears because I just want to be able to pick out my own produce again.  When this is all over, I will never complain about grocery shopping again.  (ok... I probably will.  But not for a long, long while)

Warning:  Huge sidetrack...   I'm sorry, but I am getting a little tired of seeing posts implying (or out-right saying) that we shouldn't complain about the quarantine.  Do we know that things could be worse?  Yes, of course!  Could the conditions for the quarantine could be much less pleasant?  Yep!  Is the quarantine for our own good?  Sure!  But that doesn't mean that feelings of frustration, isolation,  and discouragement aren't real and valid.  Making people feel petty isn't helping anyone cope.  We don't need to be shamed for how we feel.  We need to be able to express those emotions, work through them and hopefully be able to move on with a little relief and a brighter perspective.

So, yes - somedays I am going to sit on my couch and watch Netflix and eat chocolate and feel sorry for myself .  Somedays I won't.   And that's the end of my  rant for the week.  I'll move on now.

Remember last week when I said that I hadn't set any goals for April.  I still haven't.  BUT - I decided in the middle of my funk this week, that maybe not having any goals for myself right now isn't the best idea.  Perhaps I need a few goals to give me something to make me feel a little bit as if I am in control.  Rather than just focusing on what I can't do, I can focus on the goals I have set for myself.

Sounds good.  Right?  So...

Goals for April 6 - 12, 2020"

  • Clean out nightstand
  •  Send out some cards and letters
  • Order birthday present for sister
  • Email wholesale customers 
  • Write at least 2 posts for shop blog
  • Photograph and list new items for Etsy shop
  • Finish crochet blanket for the grand kid
  • Write at least 2 future posts for this blog

Are you finding it helpful to set goals for yourself during these days of Stay Home orders?  Or are you enjoying the relaxed pace and just taking things as they come?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! You're absolutely right, we need to be able to feel these emotions and work through them. Some days I sleep in and lay around all day. My big workout is walking from the TV to the computer. Other days I set my alarm, have breakfast and dive into projects for the day. Then the next day I'm back on the couch. This is such a unique and traumatic situation we're all living through, there isn't a right or wrong way to do it. I believe keeping our sanity is a high priority!


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