Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thankful Thursday: April 9

I Am Thankful For:

Pictures for my Etsy shop
Pulled pork sandwiches
Turning off the news
Escaping into a book
Blossoms in the pear tree
Fresh air
Cool breezes
A husband that wants me to talk about my feelings
Controlling what I can
A long game of fetch
Enjoying the quiet
Chick-fil-a pickup
Grand kid hugs
Allergy medicine
Lilacs in bloom
The weekend
Getting dressed in something besides sweats
Talking to neighbors

1 comment:

  1. I'm thankful for your blog! These Thursday posts always make me smile, make me remember those things that happen every day but I often miss. I had to go into work for about an hour yesterday and when I came outside (our weather was sunshine and 60 degrees) I took off my mask, took a deep breath and smiled! It was beautiful outside! Course, I didn't think to put that on my Thankful post but there it is on yours, Fresh Air. I look forward to your posts every week! Have a blessed day Beckey!


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