Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Currently... June 2020

Just when we thought that 2020 couldn't get any crazier - it goes and does just that!  

If I'm being honest, I'm really struggling with what to type right now. I wish I had the right words to express how I'm feeling.  I'm not going to pretend to understand what it means to live under the shadow of racism day after day.  What I can tell you is that God is definitely using the current spotlight on racism to show me a few things about my own beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes.    

I pray for peace in our country.  That we will all come to do exactly as Scripture tells us - loving one another.  Regardless of skin color, gender, political party, or anything else that may be dividing us.  

Reading:  Mercy House by Alena Dillon and Good Morning, I Love You by Shauna Shapiro, PHD.  I definitely recommend the second one if you are looking for a good book about mindfulness and self compassion.  I didn't do as much reading as I would have liked last month, so I hope to make up for it in June.

Working On:  Drawing exercises for myself and the grand kid to do together.  Getting back on track with my meditation and journaling habits.  Brainstorming and pre-planning some posts for the blog and social media posts and promos for my Etsy shop

Loving:  Having my local craft store open again.  I am still trying to limit my exposure to the general public, especially since on my first visit to this store I noticed that most of the customers were not wearing masks or taking much care to social distance from others.  But I am so happy to have easy access to yarn again and to be able to offer "made to order" items in my shop once more. 

Celebrating:  The only thing I can think of off the top of my head for June is Father's Day.  There may be more, but at the moment I don't know what that would be.

Wanting/Needing:  At the risk of repeating myself from last month - A new haircut.  It's been so long that my hair has grown out to a place where I'm considering trying something a little different.  We'll see.  I'm still not feeling safe enough when it comes to the virus to go sit in a salon chair for as long as it would take for a cut.  By the time I get there, I may have changed my mind about what I want to do with it. 

Dreaming About:   A summer vacation.  Lazy days on a beach or by a lake would be nice.  

June Goals:

  • Meditate at least three times per week
  • Journal every day
  • Hang pictures in laundry room
  • Create Sunday posts for July
  • Create Thankful posts for July
  • Write at least 3 additional posts for blog
  • Start at least 1 new Christmas item for Etsy shop
  • Write three new posts for shop blog
  • Preschedule at least 15 social media posts for July

What are your plans and goals for June?


  1. I love what you wrote about the civil unrest and racism. That's exactly how I feel. We've have some very heated 'discussions' around here with our two youngest daughters, it's been mentally and emotionally exhausting. But I am learning so much and plan to change my behavior by going to black owned businesses, reading books written by people of color...

    I learned last night that our church is officially opening next week, only a few people allowed at a time so we'll be using various large rooms and having some people outside... so it looks like I'm going back to work in June!

    1. Are you looking forward to getting back to work and your "normal" routine?


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