Thursday, June 4, 2020

Thankful Thursday: June 4

I Am Thankful For:

A quick trip to Lowes - fully masked
Back porch set up for summer
Ribs on the grill
Potential new customers
A day well spent
Short "school" days
Working on an order
A ramp for the puppy
Rain showers
An unexpected "Mean Girls" reference
The puppy was a good boy at the vet
So was the grand kid
Friday evening chats
My son
Birthday presents to wrap
Chocolate cake
Fresh morning air
At-home pedicures
Planning for the month ahead


  1. Oooh chocolate cake! My husband hates chocolate cake so we always have vanilla or lemon on his birthday. " was the grand kid" made me laugh! Mean Girls! Who would have thought we'd be quoting that movie all these years later?! Have a great weekend!

  2. Mmmm... I also love a good cookie cake. My son wanted a "death by chocolate cake" for his birthday, and it turned out sooo yummy! My husband prefers a cookie cake.


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