Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Sad, Angry, and Tired

It's been a rough week. For all of us. The murders of 19 children and 2 teachers in Texas last week left us devastated. I'm not even sure I can find the words to talk about it.  I'm just so sad.  My very soul feels bruised..  And I'm so incredibly angry.

My own grandson is the same age as those murdered babies. Maybe that's why my heart literally aches when I think about the innocent children and their  teachers.  When I think about the parents,  and siblings, and grandparents. And I can't begin to imagine the pain their families must going through.  

Something like this never should have happened in our schools.  And it definitely shouldn't have happened again. And again, and again.  

I'm angry with the politicians who, instead of doing whatever it takes,  absolutely anything, to protect our children, make excuses and distractions to win favor with a special interest group that provides them with huge campaign donations.  All their thoughts and prayers might make them feel good, but they're just masks to hide how they're not doing anything substantial.

I'm angry with people who argue that this is solely a mental health issue, but refuse to support background checks or "red flag" laws which are meant to help keep assault style guns out of the hands of the mentality disturbed or individuals with violent tendencies. 

I'm angry at people that think it's perfectly acceptable to have children locked down in classrooms practicing active shooter drills which are shown to increase fear, anxiety and depression, rather than looking at how we can prevent the need for these measures. 

We have to do more. We have to do better. As Americans we have rights granted to us by the constitution. We also have responsibilities.  We must be willing to accept small sacrifices for the greater good. 

We have to stop putting a stigma on mental health and provide safe places to seek help. We have to find ways for people to get information to the proper channels when they see or hear something concerning or disturbing.  

I certainly don't have all the answers.   It's a complicated issue.  I'm just tired. Tired of the senseless killing. Tired of communities having to mourn children. Tired of the lip service and political posturing from politicians. 

I'm sad and angry and just... tired. 


  1. ❤️❤️ true😢

  2. I agree with everything you wrote. It really is a heartbreaking situation. Heartbreaking, and frustrating.


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