Friday, August 30, 2024

August Ends

Is anyone else feeling like August was just a complete blur?  I honestly feel as if this month was about two weeks long!

My father's birthday was earlier this month.  We celebrated with a lunch at his favorite fish place.  Last year, we found his biological mother's family just a few months before and I gave him a framed photo of her for his birthday.   This year, I was able to give him a framed photo of his biological father.  

I had the MRI on my knee in mid-August.  The results weren't exactly what I was expecting.  There was no tear to the meniscus.   But that didn't mean I was out of the woods.  I have some seriously messed up cartilage in there as well as a couple of cysts. And a few "loose bodies" (probably pieces of cartilage.) I am probably looking at arthroscopic surgery to remove the "trash" in my knee and see if any repairs are possible to the cartilage. Waiting on the orthopedic surgeon office to call and schedule my consult.  

I also had the follow-up appointment for my endoscopy.   There are some changes to the lower esophagus due to reflux, but nothing alarming.  I need to continue to make sure my gerd is well managed to avoid further damage and get rechecked in three years. I am also able to try cutting back on the dosage of gerd medication.  So, that was all good news!

The oldest grandkid started back to school this month, which means I'm not getting to spend time with him a few days each week anymore.  We did some baking during those last couple of weeks: chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and pumpkin muffins.   

One of my little dogs hurt his eye earlier this week.   I was out running errands and when I came home I noticed that he was squinting one eye. Looking closer, it seemed a little puffy and had some discharge.  Fortunately, I was able to get a same day appointment for him that afternoon.  He has a corneal ulcer (probably from a scratch to the eye).  We've been having to apply drops a few times a day and he has to wear a cone to avoid further injury.  He has a follow-up next week and hopefully it's healed by then.

Also, happening this week: my Canadian cousin and I did some more "together, but apart", cooking.  August brings the anniversary of our grandmother's passing. So in her memory, we made one of my cousin's favorite things that Grandma Janina used to make -  Racuchy Z Jabłkami (Polish Yeast Apple Pancakes).  They were SO delicious!  

I can't brag about my goals for August.  I still haven't cleaned and reorganized the linen closet.  I'm still trying to figure out my morning routine.  And while I did write or journal more often this month - it certainly wasn't an every day thing.  

All in all, I would say that as far as months go - August gets a C+.  

How was your August?

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thankful Thursday: August 29, 2024


I Am Thankful For:

The full moon

Baking brownies with my grandson

Finishing the first section of my new sweater

Cooler mornings

Pumpkin muffins

A good appointment with the gastrointestinal doctor

Lunch with my dad

A beautiful late summer day

Laundry folded and put away

My son cooking dinner for us

Comfort foods

Catching deer on the security camera

His covid test was negative

The first leaves starting to change

Getting a same day vet appointment

My husband fixing dinner while I'm at the vet

Making Racuchy z Jabłkami (Polish Apple Pancakes) with my cousin

Monday, August 26, 2024


I'm going to be honest with you - the last several months have felt like a LOT. I'm not going to go over all the details. I've probably already whined about most of them here at one point or another. At first, I felt like I was spinning my wheels.  That led to a feeling of being completely mired down and stagnant. Somethings need to change. 

And that's why my word for August has been RESET.

I definitely need to Reset my morning routine.  It has been feeling stale for a while now.  It hasn't been inspiring and invigorating me like it used to, and I find myself getting completely distracted from it on most mornings. So, I completely tossed my usual routine out the window and have just been trying to figure out what works for me and what I need from my morning routine right now.

I've been having a little more quiet time to just sit with my cup of tea.  I’ve also been trying to keep time for doing some more journaling, which is something I had struggled with for the past several months. I just can't quite figure out what I want to change, what I want to keep, or how it should look now. (Suggestions?)

My health could use a Reset.  I have been eating healthier out of necessity.  My stomach issues kind of forced me to do better about that.  But there's still room for improvement.  I need to be moving more, but my knee has put that on hold.  Hopefully after my follow-up with the sports medicine doctor I'll have a better idea what's going on and can make a plan to heal and be healthier.

I have also been struggling since I closed my Etsy shop last year.  It never really set right with me how and when it ended.  And I didn't think I would miss it as much as I do.  So, it's time for a Reset.  I am making some changes to my business model and will be reopening my shop sometime in September.

What's something in your life that could use a Reset?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thankful Thursday: August


I Am Thankful For:

One less thing to worry about

A bear in the pear tree


Open windows

Egg salad

Day break

A great day for curls

Baking cookies with my grandson

A hawk in the pine tree

Flirting with my husband

A treat from Dairy Queen

Sleeping in

Laughing with my husband

Making plans for our future


Cooler weather

Time spent with my grandsons

Learning nre things

A decision made

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thankful Thursday: August 15, 2024

I Am Thankful For:

A cool morning breeze

My grandson making me laugh

A trip to the library

An afternoon cup of tea with a muffin

Turkey burgers

My dad's birthday lunch

A trip to Sam's Club's with my husband

Feeling beautiful

Pictures of Henry

A change in dinner plans that made things easier

Taking a chance

MRI completed

A good Book Club meeting

Two dragonflies hovering over my car

Quick results

A beautiful morning

Not needing to turn on the air-conditioning

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thankful Thursday: August 8, 2024


I Am Thankful For:

New opportunities

Being able to talk to my sister

A foggy morning

My dog's zoomies

Dinner out with my husband

A fresh haircut


An afternoon watching Olympic events

Planning for fall

Beans on toast

A morning nap

Healthier pizza

People who make me laugh

A new day

Feeling hopeful


Friday, August 2, 2024

August Begins

Oh, August.  That month which is most definitely still firmly set in summer with all the heat and  humidty, and yet we find ourselves leaning forward and squinting just a bit as we think "I'm pretty sure I can see autumn from here". 

August is another month of medical appointments. I have a follow-up visit for the endoscopy I had in July.  I am scheduled for an MRI on my knee, and a follow up for that. I also think Max is due for a one of his semi-annual checkups at the end of the month. (I should probably double check that and get something scheduled)

My dad's birthday is this month.  I know I've said it before - but every birthday we get to celebrate with him has extra meaning ever since we came close to losing him to a heart attack almost five years ago.  Every birthday since then feels like a bonus.

August has always felt like a month for fresh new beginnings to me. Maybe that's because it's back to school season.  All the new school supplies and clothes as well as a new school year with different classes and teachers.  What better time for reset? Which just happens to be my word for August.  (more on that in a future post)

My reading list for the month of August includes finishing "Normal Women" by Philippa Gregory, "The Thursday Murder Club" by Richard Osman, and "I Did a New Thing" by Tabitha Brown.  I started "Normal Women" some time back, but was unable to finish it before it had to go back to the library. I happened to see that the Kindle version was on sale during Prime Days and snagged a copy.  "The Thursday Murder Club" is the Book Club selection for August.  And "I Did a New Thing" is from my endless TBR list. 

My August Goals include:

  • Clean out and reorganize linen closet
  • Create a new morning routine 
  • Journal/Write everyday 

What are your plans for August?

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thankful Thursday: August 1, 2024


I Am Thankful For:

Good results on my endoscopy report

The Olympic opening ceremonies

My new yarn arrived

Catching up with my favorite neighbor

Time spent with my daughter

Cute new stitch markers

Cheering on the home team

A delicious breakfast casserole

A good story

My husband and son going to a movie together

A healthy lunch

Appointments rescheduled

Afternoon reading time

Gold metal gymnastics