Is anyone else feeling like August was just a complete blur? I honestly feel as if this month was about two weeks long!
My father's birthday was earlier this month. We celebrated with a lunch at his favorite fish place. Last year, we found his biological mother's family just a few months before and I gave him a framed photo of her for his birthday. This year, I was able to give him a framed photo of his biological father.
I had the MRI on my knee in mid-August. The results weren't exactly what I was expecting. There was no tear to the meniscus. But that didn't mean I was out of the woods. I have some seriously messed up cartilage in there as well as a couple of cysts. And a few "loose bodies" (probably pieces of cartilage.) I am probably looking at arthroscopic surgery to remove the "trash" in my knee and see if any repairs are possible to the cartilage. Waiting on the orthopedic surgeon office to call and schedule my consult.
I also had the follow-up appointment for my endoscopy. There are some changes to the lower esophagus due to reflux, but nothing alarming. I need to continue to make sure my gerd is well managed to avoid further damage and get rechecked in three years. I am also able to try cutting back on the dosage of gerd medication. So, that was all good news!
The oldest grandkid started back to school this month, which means I'm not getting to spend time with him a few days each week anymore. We did some baking during those last couple of weeks: chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and pumpkin muffins.
One of my little dogs hurt his eye earlier this week. I was out running errands and when I came home I noticed that he was squinting one eye. Looking closer, it seemed a little puffy and had some discharge. Fortunately, I was able to get a same day appointment for him that afternoon. He has a corneal ulcer (probably from a scratch to the eye). We've been having to apply drops a few times a day and he has to wear a cone to avoid further injury. He has a follow-up next week and hopefully it's healed by then.
Also, happening this week: my Canadian cousin and I did some more "together, but apart", cooking. August brings the anniversary of our grandmother's passing. So in her memory, we made one of my cousin's favorite things that Grandma Janina used to make - Racuchy Z Jabłkami (Polish Yeast Apple Pancakes). They were SO delicious!
I can't brag about my goals for August. I still haven't cleaned and reorganized the linen closet. I'm still trying to figure out my morning routine. And while I did write or journal more often this month - it certainly wasn't an every day thing.
All in all, I would say that as far as months go - August gets a C+.
How was your August?
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