Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Content: A state of peaceful happiness

I had my morning shower.  Makeup applied.  The man of the house and the male offspring were out and about to their days of work and school.  Dog, cats, and chickens were fed.  Beautiful eggs were gathered.  The sun was shining, making it look deceptively warmer outside than the actual temperature. 

As I cut potatoes and carrots to start a crock pot roasted chicken for dinner this evening, I  almost glowed with a sense of happiness and peacefulness.

And that's when it hit me - I feel completely content! And I smiled to myself.


Oh, sure... there are other words that could be used to describe my mood. Peaceful.  Fulfilled.  Satisfied.  Glad.  Happiness.  I was all those things.  But I think contentment wraps it all up in to one joyous little bundle.

I found myself thinking over the concept of contentment.  How many people chase after it, trying to find it or  manufacture it - from people, things, success, financial security, fame and recognition, etc.  But I thought to myself that perhaps contentment isn't something you can find by searching or building.  Maybe it's just a place you find yourself once you realize that all those other things just aren't that important.  Maybe contentment can only truly be found once you stop searching for it and look for the joy right where you are at any given moment, in any given circumstances.


  1. I needed to read this today.

    Thank you for sharing.

  2. Beautifully written and such a great lesson for us to remember. I look around and see so many people chasing peace of mind and contentment, mistakenly thinking they can buy it, or steal it, etc. It's been my personal experience, that true contentment only comes because from above.....from Him. So glad you stopped by for Tuesday's Prayers! Praying for you this day my friend!

  3. Beckey, this is beautiful! It's so easy to want to wait until we've accomplished, achieved, or purchased something, before we are content. To be content simply because 'He is enough', is priceless. I'm so glad you shared this today.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Blessings to you ~ Mary

  4. Beautiful post, just what I needed to hear this week. Thank you so much for sharing this at the Oh HAPPY Day link party!


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