Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Currently July

On this first Wednesday in July (really?? July already??)  I find myself again linking up with Jenna at Dearest Love and Anne at in residence to let you know that in July, I am currently...

Wishing: I could go spend a day or two just sitting on a beach somewhere doing nothing but sinking my toes in the sand and reading a good book or two.

Celebrating: My daughters 22nd birthday later this month.  And my niece's 10th birthday!  (gulp!!) Where does the time go??

Wearing: I'm still rocking the skirts and dresses. I'm not much of a shorts wearer and it's just so easy and comfortable to toss on a maxi skirt or a cute dress and a few accessories.

Cooking: A lot of crockpot meals!  It's been so hot, I don't want to turn on the oven at all, and the stove only as much as I absolutely must.

Planning: A few "day-cations" and mini-cations with the family during the remainder of the summer.  And I'm going solo as I head out to Oklahoma to visit my sister and her family soon!

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  1. I love dresses and skirts in the summer, too! I really want a new, casual maxi skirt but I can't find one that doesn't make me look like a rectangle..eek. Any suggestions?
    Thanks for linking up with us!!

  2. I'm wishing the same thing about beaches and books! And good idea on the crockpot - I really should get out my favorite recipes for it on these hot days instead of just flaking out on making any dinner at all :) Thanks for linking up!

  3. I didn't link up with the "currently link up" but I did find your blog from it and decided to stop by, it's cute, I'm glad I did and I'm excited to be following along a couple of different ways :) By the way, I totally think you should share all of those croc pot dinners you've been making. I've been looking for some lately! lol

  4. Yay for visiting your sis in OK!

  5. I love day-cations, they're often the only ones I can fit into my schedule but they're still so much fun!!!

  6. What's on your to-do list in Oklahoma? I'm getting curious about that state!

    Crockpot meals are soooo nice! What are you top 3 (or more)? I'm always on the hunt for new ideas.

    Skirts and dresses are the best...I'm so glad they're so easy to find these days!

    Have fun celebrating those birthdays! :)

  7. ps I love the polish on your toes!!!


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