Wednesday, October 15, 2014


"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." (John 15:4)

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Remain  (verb)

1)  to be a part not destroyed, taken, or used up.
** In Christ you are not something destroyed or used up.  You can not, will not, ever be taken by the enemy.  You are safe in His refuge.  His fortress.  You are whole.  Worthy.  Loved

2)  to be something yet to be shown, done, or treated
**  In Christ, you are a work in progress.  God's glory is always waiting (always remains) to be shown in you.  What He can fully do through your life is waiting to be shown. Waiting to be done.

3)  to stay in the same place or with the same person or group
4)  to continue unchanged
**  God is faithful.  Never changing.  Constant.  When all else fades away - He remains.

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  1. Love this verse! Such a good reminder--thank you. :-)

  2. I am a definitions geek (there must be a word for that but I don't know it) and I love that 2nd one: to be something yet to be shown. Thanks for that.


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