Tuesday, October 14, 2014

When You Feel As If You Are Falling

Ever felt like you were sliding down a long, steep slope?   Slipping down, faster and faster?  Everything out of control?  Nothing to hold onto.  Nothing to stop your downward descent.  Alone. In the dark.

photo publicdomainpictures.net

You don't have to be afraid.  You don't have to despair.  No matter how bad things might seem... no matter your circumstances.  God will not let you fall!!

He will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.  (1 Peter 5 10)

He will turn your darkness into light.  (2 Samuel 22.29)

He will provide you with his full armor.  (Ephesians 6.10)

He will provide you with a refuge.  A fortress. (Psalm 91.2)

He will help you to overcome! (1 John 5.5)

Seek Him. Turn to Him.  And there you will find the comfort, the security, the answers you need. A safe place to land.

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  1. I love this. I want to add it to our joyful quotes page on Pinterest! :)

  2. Ding dong old me! I'm not sure how to share it on the Pinterest site. Do you know how??

  3. Love this! So similar to my post today at thisbarefootbungalow.blogspot.com! Thanks for sharing!


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