Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Spirit of Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving

I Am Thankful for:
Pumpkin pies
Cranberry sauce
Visiting with family
Football on TV
Helpful cashiers
A new Christmas tree skirt
Soup in the crock pot on a cold day
Long text "conversations" with my sisters
A cup of hot tea
Staying in on a cold day
Starbucks free birthday drink
Getting a price adjustment on new stocking - 40% off!
Grand baby saying "it's beautiful! "
A forecast for snow
Quiet early mornings

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1 comment:

  1. Your list makes me want to get on a plane and hang out at your house! :) I'll taste test your pie, admire your tree skirt, and love all over your grandbaby! Hope you have the most glorious day sweet friend!!


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