Tuesday, November 25, 2014

False Gods

"Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods." 
~ 2 Kings 17 38

photo - publicdomainpictures.net

This verse stuck with me the other day.  I kept coming back to in my mind throughout the day.  Wondering...

What are my "other gods"? 

False gods aren't always golden calves.  Or mythical beings from past civilizations.  

Anything that comes between us and the one TRUE God.

Anything that distracts us from pursuing Him and His best for us. 

Anything - anywhere - we focus all of our time, attention and adoration. 

The things of this world that take our eyes off the Father and His Son.  Away from His Truth.  Away from His promises. 

These are our "other gods". 

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1 comment:

  1. Awesome reminder, especially for the season we are in. At times I think I have no idols and then God clearly shows me I do. Thanks for reminding my heart to be on watch for the idols that creep in during this season...the parties, gifts, food, etc. May those things be in celebration of Jesus only.
    Happy Thanksgiving week sweet friend!! :)


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