Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: April 2

The daffodils in bloom
Long, unplanned walks
Spring rain
Afternoon decaf
Rearranged living room furniture
The Male Offspring asleep with his dog beside him
Leftovers for breakfast
Tree outside the dining room blooming
Ginger Pear tea
Watching the clouds part and the blue peek through
Dropping off items at Goodwill
Cookies and ice cream
Curling up on the couch with the Man of the House to watch a movie
Sorting coins with the Man 
Talking and joking with the Male Offspring
Early morning thunderstorms
Flashes of lightening
Taking an evening walk
Blowing bubbles with the Grand Baby
Sheets on the clothesline
Blossoms on the peach tree
Sitting outside to crochet

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