Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Spirit of Gratitude: May 26

I Am Thankful For:

afternoon thunderstorm
"peace and quiet" time
scheduling my day
clean sheets
the grand baby trying to convince me that my to do list says 'cupcakes'
bean plants sprouting
a bloom on a tomato plant
talking birthday plans with the male offspring
feeling productive
the Man of the House suggesting a trip to Publix  
that frustrating crochet project finally starting to come together
the tomato plants really taking off!
getting much done before 9am
going over to visit with my mom
new haircut
spending an afternoon with my sister
late night texts with the other one
the Man of the House grilling all weekend
our first watermelon of the summer
long weekends
a clean house

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1 comment:

  1. A new hair cut, nice. Always a good thing!


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