Tuesday, May 19, 2015

When Your Gratitude Is Challenged

As I sat yesterday working on my "Spirit of Gratitude" post, I considered the weekend just past.  It seemed to just fly past - as most of our weekends do.  Full of errands to run, chores to take care of, projects to complete (or at least to make some progress towards completion)   I thought about family.  I thought on what might be considered trials we are facing for the moment.  And the joys we are experiencing.

It's almost dizzying at times how much can pack into a matter of a few days.  At the pace of human life, it's easy for things to get overlooked.  Missed.  Or forgotten.  We are only capable of focusing on so much at any one time.

What are you focusing on in life?  The blessings, the good moments, the quiet, the peace?  Or the  negative, the stressful moments, the busyness?  The choice is yours.

For me, the point of my gratitude journaling is to focus on the goodness in my life.  To make myself find at least a few good points in every day.  No matter how terrible, horrible, very bad the day seemed.  There is never a day that is NO good.  There is always something in that day to be thankful for.  Even if it's just that you made it through, you are still breathing, and that particular day is over and done.

My challenge to you this week is this: every day find at least three things for which you can breathe out a "thank you" to the God of the universe.  Write them down.  Keep them where you can see them. If you find the negative thoughts creeping in - look at the blessings you have written down.  See if it doesn't help improve your mood.  And your week.  

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  1. Close to you at Woman 2 Woman. Beckey, your post is right on! It can be so easy to have negative reactions to so many things but when we keep His word and all the reasons He has given us to be grateful, our attitude and emotions change. I am thankful. Glad to have met you today.

  2. Beckey, What a great reminder to stop and give thanks. When my children were growing up I would ask them everyday three things they were thankful for and it was interesting to see the wonder they found around them. You might enjoy my post: The Gift Given For a Mother's Heart at http://www.chrismalkemes.com/whispered-words/the-gift-given-for-a-mothers-heart

  3. Beckey, this is such a good challenge. I am going to try to do that this week. I used to try to write down at least one thing a day, but I got out of the habit. It really does help to have a list to refer to when we are feeling down, just to remind us of the many blessings He gives us each day. I'm visiting from #FindStability. Hope you have a blessed week!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I so agree with you. When we focus on the positive things in our lives then we realize all that God has blessed us with! Visiting today from #Reflect

  6. God teaches us what we need to know. I am so thankful for that.

    Kristin // thepeculiartreasureblog.com

  7. This is so practical - thank you! :-)

  8. I loved this one Beckey. I have a daughter facing a lot of life changes and challenges right now and staying positive has been a challenge. I am going to pass this post on to her to read. I felt less alone after reading it. Thank you.


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