Wednesday, May 6, 2015

When You're NOT The Perfect Mother

You are going to have days when you rock the whole Mom thing.  You will prepare three wholesome and nutritious meals - which your child actually consumes.  The house will be clean.  The laundry will not only be washed, but also folded and put away.  You will do arts and crafts with your offspring. Or at least get down in the floor and play.  You will be cute and look pulled together. Your little one will be quiet and we'll behaved while you run errands.  You will be calm and quiet.  After the tiny angel goes to bed with little or no fuss, you will look back on the day and give a little fist pump of victory worthy of the closing freeze frame from The Breakfast Club.

You might have some days like that. But if you are like most of us - those days will be very few... and very far between...

There are going to be days when breakfast - and maybe lunch too -  is dry cereal or a peanut butter sandwich.  Some days that might even pass as dinner as well.  If you can actually get them to eat anything without resorting to force feeding.

There might be days when you're not sure you'll be able to find the washing machine behind the pile of dirty laundry.  When your kid can practice his or her writing skills in the dust in your coffee table.

Days when the t shirt without spit up stains and yoga pants are what passes for high fashion on your life.  When you find yourself struggling to remember your last shower.

When you let them watch one more episode of that cartoon just so you can sit still and rest for a couple of minutes.  (or finally get in that shower mentioned above)

Days your little sweetie is squirmy, whiny, or demanding at the store.  Maybe he or she even has a full blown temper tantrum.

When bed time is a struggle you're not sure you're winning.

Sometimes you're probably going to lose your cool and raise your voice.

But here's the thing ...  that's ok!  It doesn't make you a bad mom.  It makes you human.

The only perfect mothers are the ones invented by television writers or our own imaginations.  I promise you that even the mom who seems to have it all together has days when she feels like she's struggling.  We are all just doing the best we can.

Stop trying to be the world's best mother - and just be the best mother you are capable of being today.

She's pretty awesome.  (Just ask her kids)

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  1. Thank you for your meets reality every day and your children see a person who is "there" with them...the most important thing of all..sounds like a great mom.

  2. This was an awesome read! So true and brought many memories of my little ones back to me!

    1. Thanks Dori! That's the other thing - they really do grow up SO quickly, don't they! You blink and suddenly they are alms 17 and 22.

  3. Every day is Mothers day when you are Mommy. It is sad that we learn so late in life that being the perfect Mom is a distraction from being the best us. May we all encourage young mothers as you have here. You are such a blessing. Happy Mothers Day to you.

    1. "being the perfect Mom is a distraction from being the best us"

      Yes, yes, yes!! Exactly!!
      Thank you for taking time to read and share your thoughts!

  4. Great post! I think we all believe or know that one person who exists who is the perfect mom - to our eyes anyway. But being a good mom, like everything else, is about the heart. As long as you pour into it that way, the kids won't remember those bad days (lost tempers, forgotten school spirit outfits, favorite jeans torn, burn french toast). They will remember what you did for them, when your stood up for them and how you shaped them in great men and women! At least that's what I remember about my mom :)

    1. Thanks Gina! Hopefully if any "bad moments" are remembered it's in that 'we can laugh about it now' way.

  5. My dear Beckey, thanks for sharing this honest and oh so true post :) Every ay is not always "perfect," but every day can be filled with love and precious family.

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting! Love this - "every day is not alas 'perfect', but every day can be filled with love"

  6. What a wonderful post. We all often need reminded of this!! Thank you!

    1. Yes we do!! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

  7. Beautiful reading and is always good to hear otheress up and down. I think motherhood has got to be the biggest challenge ever and not to mention the emotional rollercoaster. But knowing that you are not alone makes it all that more manageable X

    1. We're all in this together! And if we could just stop trying to appear perfect for each other we could support each other better!

  8. Well said Becky! Moms are doing the best they can most days, and our kids are not even close to our worst critics, so we need to breathe and stand next to each other as life zooms by. thank you for sharing this with Cozy Reading spot this week.


    1. Ha! Our kids probably don't even notice half the stuff we beat ourselves up over. Thanks for commenting.

  9. :) Amen sister!! Happy Mother's Day!
    Bless you,

  10. Wonderful sentiment! I hope your Mom's day was great!

    1. Thank you Robin! It was wonderful thanks to my sweet family.

  11. So awesome and super sweet. Thank you so much for linking up. I love your humor, grace, and authenticity in this post. So glad to connect with you! Blessings! :-)

    1. Aw... thank you Stacey! Wishing you an abundantly blessed week


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