Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Spirit of Gratitude: June 23

It's been a good week here.  Quiet.  But good.  Which is just what I needed.  I've been trying to catch up on some house work.  And trying out  a new routine for work.  It's been going pretty well.  Honestly, I can't complain much.  But I certainly do have plenty to give thanks about this week!

Going to church with my dad
Father's Day breakfast
Free garlic knots on Father's Day
Finding the perfect shirt for the Man of the House
The grandbaby playing outside

Yummy fresh peaches
Being married to an amazing man
Cleaning up and rearranging
The female offspring offering me a cup of tea
A morning visitor in the front yard

The male offspring treating me to lunch
The grand baby asking me to crochet something for him

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  1. Sounds lovely.
    I love the things you are thankful for.
    Have a cozy day. : )

  2. All wonderful things to be thankful for. smiles

  3. GOD is so wonderful with HIS marvelous blessings...much to be thankful for


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