Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Big Apple is: Sensory Overload

I know, I know... I am taking far too long to get through this whole "our day in New York City" story.  Sorry.  Other things keep coming along for me to post about, and well...  But, let's get back to it - shall we?

After leaving Central Park, we headed down Broadway to Times Square.

Talk about sensory overload!  Between all the billboards, the people,  the costumed characters, etc - it was almost more than one person can manage to absorb!

If you look really close - that's the New Year's Ball up there

I'm glad I got the chance to see and experience Times Square.  But there are many other parts of New York I much preferred over this.  We did get to see "Mickey Mouse" eating lunch with his head in the chair next to him, Buzz Lightyear and Woody, no less than 3 Elmos, and that dude with the guitar who wears only his tighty-whiteys.  So, there's that.

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1 comment:

  1. Lol. I always saw the 'I *heart* NY' shirts and other memorabilia and could wait to see NY for myself. When I finally got the chance to go there for a business trip I was so excited--until I got there. I was there for a week and hated it. I did get to see Statue of Liberty, Central Park, and other famous sights (from a bus) but altogether, it was not an enjoyable trip.


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