Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Spirit of Gratitude: July 28

It has been one of those weeks.  I must have somehow come into contact with a big allergy No-No over the weekend, because I woke up on Monday morning with one of my notorious allergy induced facial rashes. Fortunately, it was not as bad as some previous experiences - for which I am very grateful!  Much of the rest of this week has been a blur.  Perhaps due to the large quantities of antihistamines in my system.  Which also may explain why this post is late today, because I thought I had scheduled it to auto-publish.  But apparently not...

I Am Thankful For:

Taking the grandbaby along on our walk
Jogging a little and not being completely out of breath
Grilled steaks and sweet potatoes
An antihistamine cocktail that seems to work
Being married to an awesome guy
Repeat customers
The male offspring registering for his first semester of college classes
The offspring taking care of a big chore for their dad
Happy mail

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1 comment:

  1. Hope you are on the mend!
    Allergies seem to be bad this year...
    Have a cozy evening. : )


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