Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Grateful for February

Some months it's easier to see the turmoils around us instead of the blessings.  This month could have been like that for me.

My regular screening mammogram came back with "localized densities" which weren't there last time that required me to go for follow up, involving more focused images and an ultrasound.  The waiting was... not fun.  Fortunately, while I do have several cysts - everything is benign.  (Can I get a "hallelujah!!"?) 

But for some the relief doesn't always come so quickly.  There can be weeks, months, even years when the everyday blessings are difficult to find.  But they are always there.  They are all around us.  We just have to pause and look...  really look... for them.

I Am Thankful For:

Warm February days
Walks at the park

The treea beginning to bud
Shrimp and Grits


Spring Fever
An overnight getaway
Getting the test results I wanted to hear
Blooming daffodils

Jelly beans
Skipping the gym

What did you find to be thankful for during February?

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  1. What a great-ful post.... :0) I usually love February, just because of Valentines Day, chocolate, thawing, more sunshine...but this year we have had - of course, Valentines Day, chocolate, flooding, more snow, and lots of clouds. I guess I should be thankful that we will have the reservoirs full for summer crops, but I really, really, want spring to hurry up! I can already smell cut grass! Your pups are adorable!!

    I tried the makeup brush cleaner! It was amazing, you should have seen the water... :0/ So gross! I just love how clean it made my brushes, even some that I could never get super clean! Thank again for the recipe!

  2. Yes ma'am that is great news, praise HIM! February flew by but I'm thankful for everyday, every month. Life can change in an instant. My daffodils are blooming too,hope we don't get a cold snap!

    1. It certainly can! That's why I am trying to be intentional about enjoying every day I am given. ((hugs))

  3. So grateful for the test results. Praising the Lord for answered prayers! The cold and snap took a few blooms of our tulip tree, but the daffodils must be hardy little flowers..... they're beautiful! I love mine because they came from 'the old home place' at my sweet Mamaw's! Can you even believe March is here already? It certainly came in like a lion here in our neck of the woods!


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