Monday, December 2, 2019

Currently... December 2019

November was not the month I expected it to be as it began.  Oh, sure - it started off normal enough.  My 50th birthday was lovely.  On the 13th, the Man of the House and I headed to Cleveland where we visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Christmas Story House and attended the Thursday night football game between the Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers.  (Yes, that game.  The one with the helmet incident.  It was crazy!)  After a fun trip and a very long drive home, we arrived safely at about 2am on Saturday.  

Later that morning was when everything went topsy-turvy.  I received a call that my father was being taken to the hospital with what appeared to be a heart attack.  He required a heart cath, followed by a triple bypass surgery.  It's all mostly a blur of long days and nights in hospital waiting areas and ICU rooms with my sisters and his girlfriend.  Fortunately, he came through the surgery well and is back home.  And while he has a long recovery period ahead of him - he's a stubborn guy with a determination to get back to his regular routines.  That makes two of us!

Reading:  I just finished The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett.  The first of the five classics I plan to read this year.  Now I am starting A Parchment of Leaves by Silas House.

Celebrating: Every step of my dad's recovery process!  Along with Christmas, my sister's birthday and the upcoming new year. 

Working On:  A collaboration between my Etsy shop and my middle sister's shop!  I'm not quite ready to share all the details yet, but it should be good for both businesses. 

Wanting:  To do some Christmas baking.  I haven't done in any several years, but for some reason I find myself wanting to whip up some Christmas cookies this year.  

Needing:  At least two entire days worth of sleep.  I didn't get a good night's sleep for about two weeks and I think I'm still paying for that.  It's probably why I caught a nasty cold right after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, having a head full of sinus pressure doesn't help one get a restful sleep either.  

Making:  Lists and lists and lists.  Christmas lists - lists of who I need to shop for, lists of what I have already bought.   Grocery lists.  Lists of what I want to bake.  To do lists.  Lists of my lists.

Wearing:  A lot of dresses or tunics with leggings and boots.  It's comfy, and, as I mentioned last month, a good option with where I am in my weight loss journey rather than having to buy new pants every couple of months.

Feeling:  Extremely grateful and oh-so-very aware of how every single day is a gift. 

Enjoying:  Coffeemate Sugar Free Peppermint Mocha creamer in my morning coffee.  All the peppermint mocha flavor I adore, especially at this time of year - with very few Weight Watchers points!  

Anticipating:  The holiday season.  Especially cuddling up on the couch with a cup of tea or cocoa to watch all my favorite Christmas movies.

What is December bringing your way?

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