Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday Favorites: Max

Just over a year ago when we lost our sweet Oscar dog to canine lymphoma, my heart was so broken - I couldn't imagine ever having another dog.  Ever.  But as we know, time heals all things.  Which explains why I recently, I found myself missing - even craving - the sort of companionship he offered while I worked from home by myself.

Although I still wasn't convinced that I was ready for a new furry friend, I would frequently find myself drawn to the websites for the local shelters.  I sent a few pictures to the Man of the House.  I guess I was dropping hints, but I didn't want to admit it at the time.  And he was picking up those hints. He had actually stopped by the local shelter.

Fast forward to last Friday evening, when he started showing me some postings for puppies he had found on Craig's List.  Almost before I knew what was happening, a couple of quick emails were sent and we had arranged to go see some dachshund puppies the next morning.

Long story, short (well - still kind of long, but shorter than it could have been) - that's how this little guy came to be part of our family!

His name is Max.  He's a smooth-haired dachshund.  And I'm pretty much completely head over heels for him already.  How could I not be?  I mean - look at him!

Isn't he just the cutest?  He only weighs about 3 pounds and he's so teeny tiny!

Although I received several nice things for Christmas - he is by far my favorite gift!


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