Friday, December 6, 2019

Time to Smell The Roses

Certain scents seem to have a specific age to me.

Obviously there is the delicious smell of babies - baby wash, powder, and the undefinable sweetness that is infant.

Love's Baby Soft was the scent of my youth.  Does anyone else remember that?  Do they still make it?   Still a powdery scent, but with more floral notes.  I couldn't get enough of it during my middle school years. I pity anyone who had to spend time around me if they didn't care for that fragrance.  There was no escaping it!

My college days will always smell like Sand and Sable.  Which also smelled like the beach.

Like so many others, sometime in the late 90s discovered Bath and Body Works where I was a Moonlight Path wearer for several years.

The scent of roses always seemed suited to an older woman.  I don't know why.  Maybe when I was young I knew an older woman that worse rose perfume.  Or perhaps someone told me that, or I read it somewhere.  What ever caused it, I didn't wear scents that were especially floral - particularly rose - for years.

Until recently...

Now I can't seem to get enough of it!  I think it started with my rose water and witch hazel face toner.  Then I found the minted rose lip balm.  And now I am loving anything with a soft rose scent.

Of course, I refuse to acknowledge that now that just as I reach a stage of life where I enjoy wearing rose scents I might, in fact, be an "older woman".

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