Monday, December 9, 2019

Out of Sorts

Over the past few weeks I am feeling as if I have my act together in no way whatsoever.  It almost seems like the more I try to get it together - the more out of sorts I become.  I'm just wandering through.  

I'm still setting goals and making my To Do lists.  But they are vague and meandering.  Disorganized.  There isn't a good focus to them.  I keep getting distracted, which leads to not accomplishing tasks in the time I have allotted to them.  Then I try to catch up, putting me behind on the next thing.

I am hoping this week is the one that turns all that around!  This week I am focusing on sticking to my schedule and reducing distractions.

My goals this week are:
  • Lose 1.5 pounds
  • Wrap Christmas presents
  • Ship 3 orders
  • Create Sunday Inspiration blog posts for January

What are your goals for the week?

1 comment:

  1. I find I only make lists on my days off. Today I got off work early because Beth had a doctor's appointment. On our way home we stopped at the grocery store; After we put them away I jumped in the shower; sitting here on the couch I remembered, "I need to read some blogs!" And that brought me to you. :) On Saturday I get to take my granddaughter to Tea for her 10th Birthday. I'm so excited!


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