Thursday, December 19, 2019

Joyful Gratitude: December 19

I Am Thankful For:

Monday mornings
Pants that are too big
Cute gift card holders
Candy canes
Packages on the front porch
Ice on the back porch
Yogurt with berries
Clear blue skies
Cute puppies on the internet
Waking up from a strange dream
Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Christmas shopping done
Watching The Grinch
Grand kid sleepover
Hearing "Good morning, Oma!"
Sparkly fingernails


  1. I always love your lists. I go through my week making mental notes of things I'm thankful for "For my blog post!" and then I sit down at the computer... nothin'! My mind goes blank. Grrr. Do you think anyone would notice if I just copied yours next time? :)

    1. LOL! I write a couple of things down each morning as part of my daily quiet time. Then I just refer back to my list when I sit down to write the post


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