Monday, March 30, 2020

Bad Timing

I realized the other day that this whole Covid-19 pandemic couldm't have hit the United States at a worst time of year.

Spring equals pollen season.  This means that many of us will very soon be sneezing, sniffling and coughing non stop.  If we're not already.

Allergy season can be miserable enough under the best of circumstances. Now, we'll have the added stress of wondering if it's really our seasonal allergies or if we should be more concerned.

We'll probably be getting more than a few side eyes and dirty looks as we sneeze if we have to leave the house for groceries, medications, etc.  Thank goodness for delivery and curbside pickup services!

Bad timing, indeed.


  1. I hadn't considered the timing of all this but you're right! Now when someone coughs or sneezes people panic! This is such a crazy time isn't it?

    1. I also worry about the people who might actually be sick, but just assume it's allergies and keep going! Stay safe!


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