Thursday, April 23, 2020

Thankful Thursday: April 23

I Am Thankful For:

A surprise gift
Leftovers for dinner
Online vet chat
The morning sky
Long walks around the yard
Watch clouds roll in
Making the Man of the House laugh
Pancakes and bacon
Dogwood blooms
Making an obstacle course with the grand kid
First hummingbird of the season
Birds singing in the rain
Clean laundry
Going back to sleep
Ibuprofen and decongestants
Disney grilled cheese


  1. Clean laundry, yes! Going back to sleep, when you wake up early and realize you CAN go back to sleep and you snuggle in and drift off... oh that's the best!!

    1. Exactly! My son loves that feeling so much that he will even set an alarm a couple of hours before he really has to get up just so he can experience it. But I think that's taking it a little too far. LOL


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