Tuesday, April 28, 2020

When This Is Over

I find myself saying the phrase "When this is over and we can...".  A lot.  Almost every day.  I suppose that's a good sign.  It means I haven't given up.  That I believe that there will be an end to this virus at some point and thing well return to normal.  Maybe not normal as in exactly as it was before.  But closer to that than to this current reality.

I like to think about the things I want to do when that day comes.  Some are just the little day to day things I have missed.  Things I wanted to do before this started which have  been put on hold.  And things I have dreamed up while in quarantine.   Maybe it's because staying in the house almost every day gives one plently of time to daydream.

Some of the things I plan to do when this is over are:
  • Get a coffee and take a looong walk around Hobby Lobby
  • Go to Target (not just the drive-up pick up service)
  • Date night with the Man of the House for a drink and listening to live music
  • Go out for sushi (I have a mental block that discourages me from ordering take out sushi)
  • Take the grand kid to the zoo to see the penguins and giraffes
  • A weekend away with the Man of the House
  • Take the Male Offspring to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame
  • Get a haircut
  • Have lunch with my Dad
  • Have lunch with my Mom
  • Have lunch with the Man of the House
  • Go to the library

Are there things you are looking forward to doing once we don't have to stay so far apart from others?


  1. Besides hugging my granddaughter and taking our daughter out for lunch every Sunday, there is a large antique mall just 5 minutes from our house. It's my 'escape', I try to go a couple times a year. I walk through it and am taken back to my childhood seeing things my grandma had in her house, items I had growing up... I can't wait to go back there!

    1. I hope you get to go and safely enjoy your antique mall soon!

  2. Add taking a road trip with my sister to your list! 👍

    1. Who is this? EW!! Just kidding... you KNOW that's on my list!


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