Friday, May 1, 2020

Currently... May 2020

Y'all.  … I can't figure out whether April went by very quickly or if it was the longest month ever. I take that back.  It has definitely been the longest.  That is possibly because I had no idea what day it was most of the time.  I'd be rolling along, thinking a day was Thursday - when it was actually a Wednesday or a Friday.  In fact, I am pretty sure it has been about 130 days since April 1st

They announced last week that the schools in our state will continue remote learning for the remainder of the year.  Which means lots more tine with the grand kid for the next several months. I'm also finally working on a couple of projects that I have in mind for quite awhile.  Which goes to proved that there's definitely a silver lining to all of this quarantine/shutdown stuff.

Reading:  I'm just finishing City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert and ready to begin Under Occupation by Alan Furst.  My non-fiction book of the moment is Intentional Living by John C Maxwell.  Later this month I plan to read another one of the five classics that I challenged myself to finish this year. 

Working On:  For a long time now I wanted to find or create some prints to hang over the coffee station in my dining room.  I finally found exactly what I want to do and I have the time to do it.  

Loving:   Delivery and curbside pick up options.  Some are better than others, but the ones that are good are making me very happy, and my life easier, right now.  

Celebrating:  May brings Mother's Day. We usually have our mothers and the Female Offspring over for dinner on the day before to celebrate them.  I guess that will look a little different this year.  We also have my nephew's birthday on Cinco de Mayo and  the Male Offspring's birthday at the end of the month.  I can't believe my "baby" is going to be 22 this year!

Wanting/Needing:  Like most of us, I need a haircut. I actually needed a trim about two months ago, but decided to put it off a little longer.  Now, my layers are shaggy and out of shape and my hair is too long to do much of anything with it.  I did break out the scissors that came with the hair clippers we have to give my bangs a trim and I'm feeling pretty good about how that turned out. But I'm not feeling confident enough to attempt cutting the rest of it by myself.  

Dreaming About:  As I mentioned in my post earlier this week, I am doing a lot of day dreaming about all the things I want to do once this virus is only a memory. 

May Goals:

  • Read The Count of Monte Cristo
  • Frame new coffee prints and hang over coffee station
  • Hang prints in laundry room
  • Select 3 Christmas designs to start creating for shop
  • Write at least 3 future blog posts for shop
  • Write and schedule at least 3 blog posts for June

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