Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Created For A Purpose

When I start a new crochet project, I don't just grab a yarn and hook and start making something only to figure out what to do with it when the item is completed.  No.  I decide what exactly I'm going to make.  I select the pattern I want to use, or I start working out a design in my head and/or my pattern notebook.  What yarn I use will depend on the purpose.  It is something that will be used often and need to be machine washable?  Does it need to be especially soft for a baby, or sturdier like a cotton for dishcloths?  I create everything with a specific purpose in mind.

I believe that the same thing is true about us.  We aren't just created willy-nilly and then placed on earth to fill up space and time. I believe that God creates each of us with a plan in mind.  We are each designed on purpose - for a purpose.   He gives us strengths, skills, talents and yes - even weaknesses - that will help us to fulfill that purpose.  

As I have been thinking more about intentional living (remember my One Word for 2020 is "Intentional") over the past few months, I've come to the idea that being intentional is about being a good steward of the time and talents which I have been given.  To live out the dreams - the very purpose - that God has placed in my heart. To be who I was created to be and do what I was created to do.


  1. Intentional Living is definitely not something I've been doing the last few months! But you are right, we are all lovingly and thoughtfully created for a specific purpose by the Master Creator!

    1. I found myself using the quarantine as an excuse to let things slide, but I have realized that I can't let that go on. I wasn't created to just sit and let life slide by. Even if I continue to self isolate, I have to be intentional with how I spend the time God has given me. n


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