Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Why I'm Still In Quarantine

While my home state has not seen the recommended decrease in Covid-19 cases for at least 14 days ( in fact, as I write this - there has been an increase in new cases per day over the last few days), the reopening process has begun.  And while many people are eager to "return to normal" -  having family gatherings, going out to eat, shopping at the mall, getting a haircut, etc - I won't be among them.  In fact, I'm upping my quarantine game. At least for now.

You see, I have asthma.  Which puts me at higher risk from this respiratory illness.  The idea of being in a hospital, potentially on a ventilator, while completely isolated from the comfort of my loved ones is terrifying to me.  So, I want to do everything I can to protect myself.  I am surrounded by a household of essential workers, which means that I am already in harm's way everyday they have to leave and come home again. I don't want to increase the chance of coming into contact with the virus any more than that.

As much as I miss my extended family and want to spend time with them - I'm hitting the pause button on that for a while longer.  Both of my parents are in their 70s. And my father had heart surgery only six months ago.  So, as much as I want to have lunch with my mom or go hang out at my dad's house for a cookout  - maintaining social distancing and isolation may still be the best way to keep them safe.  At least until a few more weeks have passed and we see if there is a second wave coming as people get out and about.  

For a couple of weeks before reopening began I was making a quick trip for groceries once a week while wearing my mask.  That's stopping for now.  You see, as the shutdown is lifted, that means people are getting out more and coming into contact with people they may have been avoiding before.  People are now getting out more and going to more places. This means that everyone out and about in public is now potentially coming into contact with more people that might be carrying the virus.  If I also expose myself to more people, this increases my chances of becoming infected.  It's not a chance I'm willing to take. 

I also won't be going for a hair cut when the salons first open.  Do I need a haircut?  If the dominance of ponytails and messy buns in my life is any indication, the answer is a resounding "Yes!!"  But if it comes to a choice between cute hair and my health - guess which one is going to win?  Vanity should never come before personal safety.   

Let me say clearly that I understand that many, many individuals and families are hurting financially because of the shutdown.  And I know that there are people who are not just eager to get back to work, but actually need their workplace to reopen because they are having to make tough choices about daily expenses. Many are desperate to feed their children or purchase needed medications.  Others are facing the loss of a self-owned business they have put heart, soul, and lots of hard work into building.  My heart breaks over this every day.  

However, I also feel that there has to be some balance in order to save lives.  Every life lost to an infectious disease is preventable.  There is no acceptable number of deaths to this virus. Just because you CAN go out, doesn't mean you SHOULD.  

If you can, stay home or work from home.  If you must go out - keep social distancing.  It won't kill you to wear a mask (but it might help save someone else's life if you have the virus and don't know it), wash your hands and keep them to yourself. 

Stay safe out there.  I'll join you... eventually. 

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