Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Halfway Through

Since May marks my halfway point between birthdays, I thought I would give y'all an update on the 15 Before 51 list that I shared back in November.

As you can see - it's been sort of a mixed bag so far.  It has been more of a challenge to do some of the things on the list than I anticipated.  Made even more difficult by the Corona Pandemic Era.  Hopefully, circumstances will allow me to check off more items before I reach my next birthday. 

  1. Reach my goal weight I've been doing a whole lot of stress eating over the past two months and I'm afraid my weight has tipped in the wrong direction as a result  Boo!!
  2. Get into an exercise routine.
  3. Attend a crochet group
  4. Learn how to make Key Lime pie (one of my favorite desserts) from scratch
  5.  Read these 5 classic novels
    •  The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
    • Watership Down
    • The Secret Garden 
    • The Count of Monte Cristo
    • The Picture of Dorian Gray
  6. Attend a play
  7. Take a class I've done a few online learning webinar's from the local community colleges Small Business Center.  And I was gifted a year to MasterClass, although I haven't actually taken any of those courses yet.
  8. Road trip!   We managed a couple of road trips before Coronamaggedon shut everything down in March.  In November, The Man of the House and I drove to Cleveland for a football game.  And in February we made the trip to Memphis for a weekend.
  9. Eat meatless meals one day per week It hasn't been every single week, but most weeks I try to plan at least one meatless meal
  10. Start a sketchbook Just started last week! 
  11. Go on a spontaneous weekend away with the Man of the House
  12. Get a family photo with the kids and grand kid
  13. Go to a movie by myself
  14. Donate blood at least 3 times this year
  15. Crochet something for charity

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